PlagAware Plagiarism Checker API

Integrate our professional plagiarism scan services directly in your app using our plagiarism checker API. This tutorial will get you started in no time!
Start your plagiarism check directly from your application
The PlagAware application programming interface allows you to order the plagiarism checks directly from your own website or your own application - without having to leave your website or application and retrieve the PlagAware website. This way the professional plagiarism check of PlagAware can be seamlessly integrated into your individual work flow.
The application has a wide variety:
- check_circle Checking articles of copyright violations before publishing
- check_circle Automatic checking of received texts for uniqueness
- check_circle Integration of plagiarism checks in educational learning platforms like Moodle
- check_circle Execution of plagiarism searches in collaboration platforms like SharePoint
- check_circle Avoiding duplicate content in content management systems like Joomla, WordPress or Blogger
- check_circle For many systems like Moodle and Joomla integrations for plagiarism checks already exist or are in the development.
- check_circle We gladly assist you with integrating the PlagAware plagiarism search also into your system.
Set-up of the Plagaware application programming interface
The transfer is carried out by running this transfer URL ( and the transfer below selected parameter via HTTP-POST. At that time provide a return URL, which will run after the completion of the plagiarism check of PlagAware. You can add your own parameter into this URL to mark possible transfer texts with their own ID or other parameters. You can find an implementation example on how to run the PlagAware interface on PHP further below.
Transfer parameter
The transferable parameters correspond with the manual transfer. In case you only want to check transfer data but won't trigger plagiarism check, please activate the "Dry Run" option. In this case, your result URL will run with the random result value.
Parameter | Typ | Required | Description |
UserCode | String | Yes | This code identifies the PlagAware user that the plagiarism check should be conducted. If you do not have a user code, you can have one generate further below following the registration with PlagAware. |
TestText | String | Alternative | Transfers of the checked texts. The text must have a minimum length of 250 characters, otherwise the check will be denied. This parameter must not be transferred if the text folder was transferred into the protected folder format. |
ResultUrl | String | No | As an option, enter a URL of your web presence that should be run after the conducted plagiarism check. You can turn over the URL with your own already coded URL parameters to give it its own ID for example. After conducted check, this URL will attached the checked results in percent. |
ReportName | String | No | Optional name for the plagiarism check. In case that this parameter is not transferred, the name of the check will be generated from a test text and accordingly from a folder name of the text document. |
ReportComment | String | No | Optional comment for the plagiarism check. This comment will be attached to a report through the check creation. |
ProjectId | Integer | No | Optional ID of the project which should be conducted for the plagiarism check. If this field is not transferred, the check without a reference to the project will be created. |
DryRun | Boolean 0/1 | No | If the DryRun option is set, no plagiarism check will be ordered. Instead all parameters will be tested and the ResultUrl will run with the random result value between 0% and 100%. |
Lang | String | No | Language selection of plagiarism scan PDF report. As of today, valid options are en and de for Englisch and German. Further languages are available upon request. |
Return value
If the text was successfully transferred to PlagAware, this will be returned with Success: Text submitted. Otherwise the applicable error message will appear.
After completion of the plagiarism check, your result URL will run with the attached parametersresult and status. In doing so result stand for the percentage rate of copied words of the checked text. The parameter result takes the value ok and accordingly error. You can analyse your generate reports in detail in your user panel.
Ihr persönlicher UserCode
Um Ihren UserCode zu erzeugen oder anzuzeigen, melden Sie sich bitte bei PlagAware an.
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