Features and Specifications

PlagAware is a modern, reliable and powerful anti-plagiarism system for educational institutions, businesses and individuals. The exact specifications and the scope of performance can be found in this list.
Plagiarism Scans
- check_circleUtilized Sources:
- arrow_forwardAll documents and texts of supported file types publicly accessible in the world wide web
- arrow_forwardAll reference documents uploaded to your personal library (optional, free of charge)
- arrow_forwardAll texts of performed or scheduled plagiarism scans (optional, free of charge)
- check_circlePlagiarism Scan Costs: 1 ScanCredit per text page, see also Pricing and License Models
- check_circlePlagiarism Scan Duration: Depending on server workload and text length between few seconds up to several hours
- check_circleMaximum Text Length: 750'000 characters (approx. 350 pages)
- check_circleEditing of Plagiarism Scans: Exclusion of not relevant sources, selection of reporting area, editing of meta information (e.g. description, author, project)
- check_circleSharing of Plagiarism Scans: Download ass PDF report, permanent link for external reviewers
Submission of Texts
- check_circleText Submission: Upload of text files, copy & paste of plain texts, programming interface (API)
- check_circle
Supported File Formats:
- arrow_forwardPlain text files (*.txt),
- arrow_forwardFormatted (rich) text files (*.rtf),
- arrow_forwardWeb pages (*.htm, *.html),
- arrow_forwardMicrosoft Word documents (*.doc, *.docx),
- arrow_forwardOpen Office documents (*.odt),
- arrow_forwardAdobe Acrobat documents (*.pdf),
- arrow_forwardDirect text submission by copy & paste
- check_circleMaximum file size: 15 MB per file
- check_circleMaximum count of parallel file uploads: 50
Text Monitoring and Content Protection
- check_circleSubmission of Monitored Texts:
- arrow_forwardAutomatic acquisition of web page URLs during web site monitoring
- arrow_forwardSubmission of web page URLs by sitemap file
- arrow_forwardManual entry of web page URLs
- arrow_forwardManual upload of text files using you personal library
- check_circleSelection of scan area: Automatic detection or using PlagAware HTML comment tags
- check_circleScan Scheduling:
- arrow_forwardManually between 500 and 2500 scans per day
- arrow_forwardAutomatic usage of subscription ScanCredit volume
Further Free Services
- check_circleGrafical comparison of two or more given texts
- check_circleCreation of content reports including text contents and screenshot of a given web page
- check_circlePlagiarism scans of texts against the private text library