The Best Plagiarism Checker for your Bachelor Thesis

Did you know that almost all universities and colleges prepare a plagiarism assessment of the bachelor- and master thesis?
Stay away from bad surprises! Use our plagiarism checker to scan your thesis before you hand it in with the same software, that many Universities, Colleges and High Schools use as well!
No more bad surprises
with the professional Plagiarism Checker from PlagAware!
- check_circle The professional software tool of numerous Uni's and Colleges
- check_circle No disclosure of your work or data
- check_circle Not stored in a database
- check_circle Online Check in under 10 minutes
- check_circle Starting at 12.90€ for 100 pages - including unlimited free checks of your revisions

Submit your work - with the good feeling of not having missed anything!

Online Plagiarism Checker
In just under 10 minutes you have the certainty, that you have really indicated all your sources!

Professional Software of your University
Numerous Uni's already check with PlagAware - avoid bad surprises after your submission!

Your University will not know
With PlagAware you can be sure that your work and your data will not be saved or passed on!

Interactive Evaluation
Not only do you receive the test report, but you can evaluate all your sources interactively!
Start the Check of your Bachelor Thesis in 3 easy steps

1. Upload your work - in all common formats
You can upload your work directly on the PlagAware homepage. We support all common file formats like Microsoft Office, Open Office, Adobe PDF or simple text files.
You do not have to prepare your paper specifically for the plagiarism checker. If you want, you can convert your file into a text file before uploading it, so that the file is smaller and uploading is faster.
Immediately after uploading, we read out the text content and delete the original file from our server. The pure text is deleted after the check has been carried out - automatically and in its entirety.
2. Choose your ScanCredit package and start the search engine
After the analysis of the file you will be shown which ScanCredits package is suitable for the check of your work. Unused ScanCredits are retained for future checks.
Your work is now being compared in the background with over 70 billion online sources in all languages. For maximum accuracy and security, each sentence is examined individually. This means that even rewritten and changed text passages can be reliably detected.

3. Check the identified sources and revise your work
After the plagiarism checker has completed its work, you will receive an e-mail from us with the result report in PDF format. In the report, all identified sources are marked in colour, one click will take you directly to the identified source.
But with PlagAware you do not only get a PDF test report! Rather, you can analyse your report interactively, e.g. compare your text and the source, mark detected sources as correctly cited or exclude them from the check completely.
You can even revise your work and have it reviewed again - as often as you like and at no extra cost. This is only available at PlagAware!
Instant online Plagiarism Check starting at €12.99 for 100 pages
Package S
- 100 Pages
€ 12,99
Package M
- 250 Pages
€ 24,99
Package L
- 500 Pages
€ 39,99
Frequently asked questions about PlagAware Plagiarism Checker
question_answerWhy is a Plagiarism Check of the Bachelor thesis useful?
Many universities and numerous schools routinely use the PlagAware plagiarism checker for the submitted bachelor thesis, master thesis or seminar paper. Many of these universities and schools are customers of PlagAware.
You should therefore be very sure that you have correctly identified all the sources you have used in your work. Otherwise it can happen that this mistake is interpreted as an attempt of deception - with all the consequences, up to the denial of the respective degree.
With the PlagAware Plagiarism Checker you can be sure that you won't have any unpleasant surprises , and therefore you can submit your work with the good feeling of having indicated all sources. -
question_answerDoes the check of my work affect the plagiarism assessment of my university?
No. Your university will not find out about the check at PlagAware. In contrast to many other providers, the works are not fed into a paper pool, but are automated and completely deleted as soon as the evaluation of the plagiarism checker is completed.
The reuslt report is displayed only to you alone; if desired, the check can also be carried out completely anonymously. We only need a valid e-mail address to which we can send the results of the check. -
question_answerHow should I prepare my Bachelor thesis for the Check?
As a rule, you can upload your work without preparing it specifically for the Plagiarism Checker. Nevertheless, there are some tips which can make working with PlagAware easier:
- check_circle PlagAware ignores all pictures and graphics in the bachelor thesis. If you want, you can therefore upload a version without pictures, which makes the upload faster. The result of the check will not change.
- check_circle PlagAware supports all common file formats. Nevertheless it can sometimes happen that a special file is not readable. In this case you can save your work as a "text-only file (*.txt)" and upload this file. This also reduces the file size again.
- check_circle Perhaps your work contains tables or directories of which you are sure that no plagiarism can be present. In this case you can delete these parts before uploading them to save ScanCredits. However, you should not delete the bibliography, because often bibliographies are copied from other works and will be checked by your university. Furthermore, PlagAware uses the bibliography for checks to mark correctly indicated sources.
question_answerAre my data and my work safe with PlagAware?Yes, because the protection of your work and your data has the highest priority here at PlagAware. Therefore, the Plagiarism Check is carried out according to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). All servers of PlagAware are located in data centres in Germany, so that your data never leaves the EU.
All uploaded documents will be deleted from our servers completely, immediately after the text has been read out. As soon as the check has been completed and you have finished the evaluation, you can completely remove all data, texts and evaluations from our systems with just one click. An automated deletion after a freely selectable period of time is also possible.
In contrast to other providers, your work is never stored in a database, which is used for plagiarism search by other users. -
question_answerWhat exactly do I receive when I order the plagiarism check?After the check of your paper has been completed, you will receive an e-mail from us with the report in Adobe PDF as well as detailed instructions on how to interpret and draw conclusions from it.
With your password you can also login to the user area of PlagAware, where you can interactively evaluate your assessment. Here you can e.g. display sources side by side with your work or mark correctly quoted sources as such.
Best of all, you can change your work as often as you like and review it as often as you like without having to buy ScanCredits again. Here you can find more details about Version check of your work. -
question_answerHow long does the process for my Bachelor thesis take?The plagiarism check of your bachelor thesis is carried out completely online, automated and without manual interaction. Therefore, it usually takes less than 10 minutes until you receive the result report via e-mail.
In individual cases, the assessment may take a few hours if your thesis is very complex, if there is a high demand or if many users want to conduct the assessment simultaneously.
In general however, you can count on the rule of thumb: 1 minute per 10 pages of plagiarism check. -
question_answerFor how long are my purchased ScanCredits usable?Your purchased ScanCredits are usable indefinitely and can be used for the plagiarism checker in the future.
This also means that you can carry out scans of individual parts of your work - even while you are writing the paper. The costs for the checks are billed on a page basis .
In contrast to many other providers you do not have to buy a new scan if your account still has enough ScanCredits. -
question_answerWhich texts does the PlagAware plagiarism checker take into account?The scan covers all texts freely available on the Internet, currently more than 70 billion sources. Often sources are found that are usually hidden behind payment barriers, provided that free copies or summaries of these texts have been indexed by search engines such as Google or Bing.
If you have cited paid journals or books in your work, even these articles are often listed correctly as sources of your work, though maybe at a different address.
To make sure that all paid texts are listed completely and with the expected address, you can deposit these texts in your private library. This way you ensure that the Plagiarism Checker is also considering these paid texts. -
question_answerWho is using PlagAware?The PlagAware Duplicate Content Finder has been used for over 10 years by more than 40.000 active users from more than 300 schools, universities and companies.
In this process PlagAware checks on average more than 1000 documents - day by day! PlagAware is therefore one of the most used systems for Plagiarism Checks of scientific works.

Many thanks for your great feedback!
Noah on 01/05/21
"With PlagAware I have indeed found a source I forgot to identify."
Ali on 11/12/22
"Everything went great! Thanks a lot for the explanations and the great support!"
Jasmin on 11/15/22
"Great service, thank you very much!"
Phil on 10/08/22
"Super sweet thing ;)"
Enjoy the certainty that no source has been overlooked!

The perfect finish for your work
You have invested months of your life in a perfect bachelor or master thesis? Then don't leave anything to chance, but trust the anti-plagiarism solution, which is also used by numerous universities, colleges and schools in Germany and worldwide!
PlagAware gives you the certainty that you have correctly identified every source of your work - even those you might not remember. Do not take the risk that a small carelessness could be understood as an attempt of deception!
For more than 10 years, PlagAware has ensured the academic integrity of scientific works. Also of yours?
PlagAware - Ensuring unique texts for more than 10 years!
Network for Academic Integrity (2020)
CHIP Praxistipp (2016)
Test HTW Berlin (2010)