Plagiarism controlling - only a subject for universities?
The subject "plagiarism checking" and "plagiarism controlling" applied only for some time as a domain of colleges, technically colleges and universities. With that it is overseen that also in educational areas homework, presentations and final papers are increasingly prepared, that are completely or partially were created on a computer - and with that are in tempting reach of Wikipedia and other portals, which offer homework for free or an obol complete and ready to download.
Some countries have identified the problem of plagiarized homework and term papers and already perform today comprehensive plagiarism controls. The pioneer is Austria, where plagiarism controlling of all "pre-scientific work" - comparable to high school exit exams or technical work in Germany - is already today an inherent part of the evaluation.
Seamless integration in the correction process
Thus the PlagAware functions and rates for plagiarism controlling were established which are specifically designed for the needs of schools and teachers. In the fore front always stands a clear, uncomplicated and efficient integration into the correction process of texts though.
PlagAware provides teachers the possibility to autonomously leave their students' texts for plagiarism controlling by handing it over to PlagAware. For this purpose is a special website available, which schools can individualize - for example through the school logo or through color combinations and fonts matching the web presence of the school. This way, plagiarism controlling can be already integrated with the delivery of texts seamlessly into the appearance of the school.

Collusion controlling against unauthorized group work
The texts which are turned in by students can be collected automatically as a class set if desired: through that the teachers always have control if all the work has been turned it or if - and which - assignments are still outstanding.
If desired, already during the collection of the texts can a so-called collusion control be conducted in the background. All of the delivered assignments will be compared with each other word for word und possible matches will be displayed in a clear comparison. Thus unauthorized group work can be immediately and easily detected. Further information on text comparison and plagiarism check of own texts can be found in the dedicated article on text comparison.

Plagiarism controlling against Copy & Paste
The actual plagiarism controlling will start as soon as all texts are available. PlagAware does not only reference all publicly available documents in the Internet in the search, but also if desired all previous texts, that were create at the school. For that, users of PlagAware have private libraries available, in which school internal texts can be stored.
Compared to many other systems, in doing so all rights to the texts remain with the school and author respectively. Especially texts of private libraries can never accessed for plagiarism controlling by other institutions and can be deleted at any time if needed.